Phoneme Analysis

Client Name:  

Word/Sound Presentation

Say each word, then the sound
Circle the word the client chooses
Item Left Right Sound Repeats

Practice P1. fight meat (ee)
Items P2. shoe cot (o)

Test 1. key bee (b)
Items 2. bread broom (ea)
3. hand lamp (d)
4. clock clown (n)
5. swing swan (i)
6. fish foot (sh)
7. belt box (l)
8. train crown (t)
9. horse house (ou)
10. snake stove (n)
11. bell bowl (ow)
12. seal nail (s)
13. bike duck (d)
14. ant axe (s)
15. spoon stool (l)
16. bird bed (ir)
17. snail skirt (k)
18. pram flag (f)
19. goat gun (u)
20. hat heart (a)
21. drum dress (m)
22. pig dog (p)
23. fence fox (k)
24. ball doll (o)


Words circled AND underlined score 1
Group  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24  Total 