East Vic Professional Therapies

Speech Pathologist

Tel:(03) 5152 6588
Fax:(03) 5156 8609

Toni Seiler
B SpTher, MS SpPath, CPSP

Toni Seiler has 45 years of general clinical experience in Australia and the United States. This has included work in an acute neurological ward, in a school for children with physical and neurological disorders, and in education department settings. Since moving to Bairnsdale 34 years ago, she has worked within the Bairnsdale Regional Health Service providing speech pathology services to adults and children. Disorders treated include feeding and swallowing problems in adults and infants, speech impairments and language delays in children, reading and learning disorders, communication disorders associated with stroke, head injury, laryngectomy and other neurological syndromes, stuttering, and communication problems resulting from hearing impairments.

Toni is also on the EIA Project team.

Toni runs a private Speech Pathology clinic in which clients and parents make extensive use of eLr - Extra Language Resources.

e-mail: seiler@elr.com.au

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