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Frequently Asked Questions

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Is eLr suitable for adults as well as children?
Yes. Although some tasks have a graphic style that is perhaps more appropriate for children, the eLr target categories are designed to be skill orientated and so may be applicable to many age groups. Frequently there are also similar text based activities for the same target.
Why don't any tasks include digitized voice output/instructions?
eLr tasks are designed to be used as resource materials for an interactive session which involves feedback, interaction, and expansion as part of the activity. They may be presented in different ways and the speech or language response of the client (not the computer) is the most important feature. We suggest that you as the supervisor or clinician, are in the best position to give appropriate instructions and feedback to your client.
Some tasks seem very short.
All tasks are precisely targeted and for some targets there may be few available words/pictures. However, it's often valuable to "re-run" a particular task with a different screen colour, "words only" mode and so on. Look for and experiment with the Controls and other screen options. You can also try a browser Refresh (or press the F5 function key) which will likely give you a new combination of colours and icons.
Can the eLr system log a clients progress?
Not directly. Progress is an individual thing, and different clients will require varying amounts of repetition and reinforcement. However it can be useful for clinical records to document specific tasks attempted (record the Task ID). For every task, the Help - Task Content panel contains a simple mechanism to copy a summary of the task details to another location, such as your electronic records system. The Downloadable Report Forms may also be used to help plan and record progress.
Can I get a printed copy of the eLr Directory?
Yes - but, a full listing occupies over 300 pages and it's continually growing! We don't routinely provide printed copies, but as a Subscriber you can download a PDF version and print your own. All users can download a shorter (about 30 pages) summary listing from our Support page. Registered Users will find a link to the full version at the bottom of the Directory page. Alternatively, you can open the Directory to the section(s) you are interested in, select that block (by holding the left button down and dragging the mouse cursor) and then print just that block from the "File-Print" command (choose "Selection" as the Print range).
What do terms like "phonology" and "digraph" mean?
Please look at the Speech Pathology Terminology page for these and other terms used on the eLr site.
How do I quickly learn how a task operates?
Click on the "[?]" button in the top-right corner of each task to show/hide additional help information about the general usage of the and controls available, as well additional usage tips. Many tasks have a common set of controls, such as the "Color Changer" which alters the background color for the task. Other tasks will have individual features which allow the operator to alter the way in which the task operates.
How do I print an eLr task screen?
The "printer" icon in the top-left of each eLr task links directly to your computer's Print command. If your browser doesn't support this operation you'll need to right-click in a blank part of the task screen and select Print, or use the usual File-Print menu. You'll probably also want to set the Page Margins to a minimal size (eg 5mm) to print as much of the screen image as possible, or print in Landscape mode if you find pages are being "chopped off".
How do I get the new tasks which are added to eLr?
New tasks are added to eLr every month, and sometimes existing tasks are corrected or enhanced. We notify many subscribers and others of these changes in our newsletter "ELR-News". A list of all new/updated eLr content is also available here If you access eLr from the website, you'll always see the current content, but if you are using eLr-Offline you'll need to update your version (see below).
I've found a task that doesn't work or is incorrect.
We do many checks and tests of the materials used in eLr. But, we're only human. If you find an error, we'd be most grateful to hear of it. A brief e-mail with the Task ID (eg "1234-789") will do. Since all materials are on the Web, all changes and corrections are immediately available to all users.
Will the eLr Task ID's ever be altered?
No - once a task is included, the Task ID will not be changed and that task will always be available. This means that both your recommendations to clients (regarding tasks to use) as well as your clinical records will remain consistent.


What's the difference between a Registered User and a Guest User?
Registered Users pay a yearly subscription and have unlimited access to all eLr materials. Guest Users have free, but limited access by using the guest account of a registered user. In particular guests can't use the Directory to locate specific tasks and can only load tasks by the Task ID number.
Do I give my User ID or my PIN to Guest Users?
Guest Users need to enter the User ID of their clinician/adviser to gain access to eLr. You should NOT give out your PIN to such clients, or any others. (Note - registered users who've paid the discounted Family rate are restricted from providing guest access to others.)
What's to stop me giving my full User ID/PIN details to others?
Your honesty - and the terms of your subscription licence. You paid for a subscription and your PIN is a protection of your investment.
Can I change my User ID and/or PIN?
User ID's are randomly allocated to each new subscriber, and remain with that subscriber throughout renewals. The PIN on the other hand, may be changed with a subscription renewal if desired. If you believe others are abusing your present User ID or PIN, please contact us.
How do I know when my re-subscription ends?
Each time you log into eLr you enter the Expiry Date of your subscription (month/year). We'll contact you close to that date, but if you don't renew in time, you'll simply find that your logon process stops working once the date is reached.
Do others have access to my address or e-mail details?
No. Our policy is clear on this. We do NOT provide names, addresses (including e-mail) to any other parties. We keep such records only so that we can properly service your subscription.
Are records/logs kept of the tasks used?
Yes - our system does log the usage of tasks - but without names (ie using only the User ID's). We monitor such logs as part of a Quality Assurance process to ensure that the system is performing effectively.


Using a Web Browser to Access eLr

What Web Browser do I use to access eLr?
On Windows /Win7/Win8.Win10) we recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer(MSIE v11+), Firefox(v72+) or Chrome(v80+)
On Mac (macOS 10.15+), Safari(v13+), Firefox(v72+) or Chrome(v80+) are recommended.
On Chromebook Chrome.
On Apple iPad use Safari.
On Android use Chrome.
Other browsers may work but we may not have tested them. For more information please click here
In some tasks (such as the "drag" ones) I see colored digits (between 0 to 9) instead of "icons"
Many tasks use our own "icon" sets (such as animals, dinosaurs etc) which are prepared as small (8-10k) "embedded fonts" which are temporarily downloaded by your browser as required. Your current browser may not fully implement the capability to show and/or print "embedded fonts". Try updating or changing your browser.
I get a browser error like "ELR_Core is undefined"
This is likely to be the first in a "series of errors" - all of which will end up with a screen(s) with some material missing and which doesn't work properly! There may have been a transmission problem in getting some part of the page to your computer. First try reloading/refreshing the page, or even logging in again. If this doesn't work, clear your browser cache and try again. Please contact us if problems like this persist.

Using eLr-Offline

What is eLr-Offline?
eLr-Offline refers to "eLr-Pro Offline" and "eLr-Guest Offline" which are Progressive Web Applications containing eLr content installable from the eLr Website to you computer/tablet computer. These are designed to allow you to select and deliver all eLr activities in same way as the website in situations where access to the Internet is not possible or desirable.
What computer do I need to run eLr-Offline?
eLr-Pro Offline and eLr-Guest Offline are "universal" Apps, which will work on all modern computers and tablets. They have been developed and tested on Windows (Chrome and MS Edge), MacOS (Chrome), iPad (Safari), and Android tablet and Chromebook (both Chrome) devices.
How do I get a copy of eLr-Offline?
eLr-Pro Offline is free for registered subscribers and may be installed from www.elr.com.au/elrpro.htm. eLr-Guest Offline is also free and is for clients of registered users who have been provided a specific set of activities for home or school practice. If may be installed from www.elr.com.au/elrguest.htm. Installation is all done from within your browser in a process that can generally be described as "Saving to your homescreen". The steps vary slightly according to the device/browser you are using and the "Install" button in each App offers guidance.
How do I register eLr-Offline?
Once installed, both eLr-Pro Offline and eLr-Guest Offline need to be "registered" for ongoing use with the appropriate "Appkey" ("AppKeyPro" or "AppKeyGuest") which we automatically supply to subscribers. Guest Users should contact their subscribing clinician or institution.
How do I update eLr-Offline?
New editions of eLr-Offline containing updated or new content are created monthly. Any time you open eLr-Pro Offline or eLr-Guest Offline while the computer/device is connected to the Internet, the App will automatically check for the latest version and updated itself accordingly.

General Technical Questions

When I load tasks, the right or bottom edge is sometimes "off the screen"
A major effort has been made to design eLr tasks to automatically adjust and resize themselves to match the screen layout and size they are being displayed on. In general the computer/device should be in "landscape" (rather than "portrait") mode for be best fit and operation. We've tested this "responsive design" process on many devices, but don't have access to all possible combinations. If you find an eLr task that doesn't fit well, please let us know the task number and device/browser you are using and we'll endeavour to correct the problem.
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