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Hints for using eLr

Hints and pointers
for getting the most out of eLr
Click on a topic below to see further details.



Use on-line FAQ's for further information
An on-line collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) is also available. You'll find further useful information there.

Use tasks in an interactive way
eLr tasks are designed to be used as resource materials for an interactive session. Some can be done independently, particularly in the Reading and Spelling section, but a rich language experience involves feedback, interaction, and expansion as part of the activity.

Select target tasks according to goals
The various tasks are primarily filed (and retrieved) according to target areas, and therefore are not intended as a program to be sequentially "worked through". Advice from a clinician or teacher, and familiarity with the contents of the eLr Directory will help you provide a varied session covering a range of needs.

Develop and use associated activities
Each task can form the starting point for a range of associated, extension activities. Such activities need not be computer based. For example most tasks can be printed and used as effective pen and paper activities. A white board is also a good way to have the client write and recall targets, or for the clinician to provide repetition and reinforcement. You can make a simple "take home" white board by laminating the sample contained in our PDF Forms. Discussion and oral language should be encouraged throughout eLr sessions.

Using picture-based tasks
A star "*" in the title of a task indicates that pictorial material is used. Many of these tasks will use the well-known PCS pictographs. For some areas, such as Phonemic Awareness, you may wish to use only pictures. Look for the Words/Images/Both "radio butons" at the top of a task screen and select "Images".

Using text-based tasks
The text-based tasks can also be used with children who are not yet reading. The clinician can present the task verbally using the material as a basis for an oral language activity. If appropriate, the on-screen text can reinforce early literacy development.

Experiment with the screen adjustments
Once loaded, the different eLr tasks can be adjusted in various ways to suit a client's needs. Use the controls at the top of each screen for background colour changes, choice of text or images, forward/backward advance, random presentation and so on. Experiment with the various controls to see how they modify the activity.

Use eLr report forms
The Program Goals and Session Record forms may be used to help prepare and document clinical sessions, and to instruct parents and helpers. Blank forms (and this Hints Page)are available here in PDF Format.

Following (or not following) directions
Suggested directions for each task are shown at the top of each screen. If you need a less cluttered screen, or would prefer to use a particular task in a "non-standard" way, the directions can be switched off with the Help check-box. Go ahead, experiment. Enjoy!


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